Monday, June 10, 2013

Beginner's Mind

 Present Moment Golf

In eastern philosophy they have a concept that they refer to as beginner's mind.  The basic idea of this concept is that a mind filled with preconceived ideas about how something works is closed to alternate possibilities.  An individual who is a beginner in an activity is generally more open to new ideas and testing out a number of possible solutions to a problem.

If you pick up a copy of a golf magazine or tune into the Golf Channel, you are likely to be exposed to a multitude of various theories, training aids and keys to make your golf game better.  With this huge amount of contrasting information, it can be easy to fall into a place of quickly dismissing concepts that don't fit into our preconceived idea about the game of golf.

I am not encouraging you to blindly accept anyone's truth about the golf swing or your life as being "the truth".  However, when a teacher comes into your life, I encourage you to drop your preconceived ideas about how things work and listen to that teacher with "beginner's mind".  Fully open yourself to that which is being presented to you.  Ask questions, search for clarification, and seek understanding.  When you have allowed this information to enter into your being, without the blockade of your preconceived notions, then you can begin the process of putting these new ideas through the "test kitchen" of your own experience.

Through this "trying on for size" process, we are assured of growing and learning about ourselves.  Even if we were to totally discard the tenets of the teaching we received, there would still be opportunities to gain clarity about our own philosophy.

Contact Steven Miller, M.A. to inquire about setting up your Golf Retreat with Present Moment Golf. Visit the website at

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